November 2023
A Message from Our CEO
To our customers,
Ahead of this month’s holiday, on behalf of the entire team at Roland Foods, I want to wish you and your family a joyful Thanksgiving. We appreciate your unwavering support and are grateful to be your trusted partner.
We are closely monitoring the escalation in Israel and have stayed in close communication with our partners in the Middle East during this very difficult situation. While products we import from the region have not experienced any disruptions to date, we are working closely with our partners to ensure supply continuity to the greatest extent possible.
Container imports remain robust compared to pre-pandemic levels, despite their projected decline. With a shift in cargo patterns, Asian imports are on the rise, while European imports decline, reflecting the seasonal production of consumer goods.
The crop landscape in Central and South America remains uncertain due to persistent El Niño conditions impacting crop supply. Peruvian crops specifically are facing major shortages due to the inclement weather. To stay ahead of demand, we have expanded our sourcing for anchovies and red peppers beyond Peru.
At Roland Foods, our priority remains our customers. Below are actions we are taking to ensure customer satisfaction:
1. A Close Eye on El Niño – Keeping a constant pulse on the crop landscape has allowed Roland Foods to maintain inventory levels despite global shortages. We will continue to monitor the El Niño weather pattern to stay ahead of complications in affected areas.
2. Preparing for Seasonal Demand – Ahead of the busy holiday season, our internal teams are closely monitoring the logistics landscape to remain on top of demand. While there are no immediate disruptions, we are always ready and anticipating potential challenges.
To stay abreast of the most up-to-date and in-depth details regarding the supply chain, freight, and crop updates, please read our Market Updates provided below. We look forward to helping you make the rest of 2023 a success. As always, thank you for your business.
Keith Dougherty
CEO of Roland Foods
Industry Updates
November 07, 2023 | Industry News
November 2023 Regional Market Report News
Updates in global logistics and crop news for red peppers and anchovies.