Product Spotlight

Kalamata & Kalamon Olives

These are both black olives with a deep purple color, almond shape, plump texture, and rich, almost fruity taste.

Kalamata and Kalamon Olives are both black olives with a deep purple color, almond shape, plump texture, and rich, almost fruity taste. Produced in the Mediterranean region, these olives are typically found in traditional dishes, such as hummus and Greek salads, but are a delicious addition to breads, grain bowls, pizzas, sandwiches, and more.


Roland® Kalamon Olives

In past seasons, the Kalamon Olive market has remained relatively stable, while the Kalamata Olive crop has experienced several challenges.


Roland® Kalamata Olives

However, in the 2020/2021 season, Kalamata Olives have been especially fruitful, closing the gap in cost between Kalamon and Kalamata Olive products.